Spermatozoa: How to Increase Quantity and Quality? – Fertility
Several causes can explain difficulties with conception, but in nearly half of cases, it’s a male fertility issue. However, it’s possible to influence sperm quality and quantity in daily life! While diet and lifestyle play an essential role, new methods can boost your fertility.
Indeed, while medicine tends to advise against heating your intimate parts (hot showers, laptops on your lap, tight clothing…), numerous studies since the 1960s demonstrate that cooling your intimate areas is even more effective.
In summary, it’s not just about avoiding warming your intimate parts; actively cooling them down is essential for solid results!
Embrace freshness for your intimate parts!
For optimal function, testicles need to be at a temperature below 35 degrees Celsius. Tight jeans and prolonged sitting contribute to raising the temperature and harm the quality of sperm. So, opt for loose pants and cotton underwear.
Even better? Try cooling underwear!
It may seem surprising, but after trying it, most men find the sensation pleasant, far from the shocking cold of the sea when you first enter the water, for example!
Cooling underwear Snowballs
These boxers allow the genitals and testicles to breathe and don’t compress them like briefs do.
To increase your chances of boosting fertility, opt for cooling underwear Snowballs. Made from organic cotton, these boxers are designed to provide scrotal cooling, a practice particularly beneficial for increasing testosterone levels as well as sperm quality and quantity, known to some through “derivatives baths.”
Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of scrotal cooling. For example, 50 patients with reduced sperm mobility were asked to use a localized cooling technique on the scrotum. Among them, 65% saw their sperm density and mobility double.
Another, more recent study showed that thanks to cooling techniques, twenty infertile men began to see significant changes within eight weeks.
Another important parameter for sperm quality is sperm motility (MOT)! Once again, cold influences motility, making sperm more active.
Want to learn more? Find detailed studies on the benefits of cold therapy for boosting fertility.
A worthy heir to these studies, Snowballs underwear is a bit special. Made from organic cotton, it features a small front pocket designed to hold one of three cooling packs. Beforehand, you’ll have placed these packs in the freezer to benefit from their cooling effect.
Since excess heat harms sperm production (known as scrotal hyperthermia), cooling your testicles will improve the quality and quantity of your sperm. Results have shown that using Snowballs can double sperm concentration and mobility.
But that’s not all: Snowballs also naturally increases testosterone. Indeed, testosterone production depends on a low scrotal temperature. Thanks to its cooling power, Snowballs allows you to enjoy the many beneficial effects of testosterone:
- It promotes muscle and bone development.
- It promotes muscle and bone development.
- It promotes muscle and bone development.
- As a libido hormone, it improves the quality of sexual intercourse.

We recommend that anyone looking to significantly improve their chances of conception use Snowballs for 2 hours a day for 3 months. It’s worth noting that it takes 3 months for sperm to renew itself.
Very practical, Snowballs can be worn while doing other activities, for example, in the evening, once you’re back home.
Feeling cold on your intimate parts is a turn-off? You’ve probably never tried it! Indeed, applying cold to this area provides a rather pleasant sensation: you’ll thank us later!
The Climseat cooling seat cushion
We spend many hours sitting, often behind a desk. This is neither good for the back nor for spermatogenesis. Prolonged sitting leads to scrotal hyperthermia, which harms sperm and testosterone production. Since cold increases testosterone, we came up with the idea of creating a cooling seat cushion: the ClimSeat.

This cushion comes with two cooling pockets that naturally absorb excess body heat. If you have a refrigerator at the office, the sessions will be more intense and the cold will last longer, but the cooling effect and efficiency remain if you simply let the cushion return to room temperature… which is often around 15°C cooler than your body! And when the one tucked inside the cushion is no longer cool enough, it can then be replaced by the second one. So, you benefit from a very appreciable fresh boost to keep your intimate parts at the right temperature.

Are you experiencing back pain? The ClimSeat can also help you correct your posture with its U-shaped ergonomics. As an orthopedic seat cushion, the ClimSeat promotes spinal decompression: the vertebrae are no longer compressed, and your lumbar posture is corrected. The result: a noticeable reduction in back pain! Think about all the time you spend sitting at your desk or at home! It’s time that you can make the most of with the ClimSeat. To do this, simply place your coccyx in the empty space of the U-shaped cushion.

Our users can’t seem to part with it and highlight an incredible comfort gain. Join them in improving your posture and maintaining the right temperature!
Male Fertility: Some Habits to Adopt
Sperm contains a variable concentration of spermatozoa ranging from about 40 to 200 million per mm3. Below 20 million spermatozoa, the concentration is considered abnormal and can be the cause of fertility problems.
What are the factors responsible? Heredity may be a factor, as well as endocrine disruptors (pesticides, phthalates that may be present in plastic…). While it may be challenging to act on these factors, you can improve your lifestyle to preserve your fertility:
- Practice regular physical activity: avoid overly vigorous sports that could have the opposite effect.
- Forget about tight clothing: we’ll come back to this later, but it’s essential to keep your testicles at the right temperature.
- Quit smoking: tobacco reduces the number of spermatozoa and their mobility.
- Watch your weight: studies have shown that the quantity of spermatozoa decreases with increasing weight.
- Pay attention to your diet: continue reading and you will learn everything about the diet to adopt to preserve your fertility!
What to eat to increase sperm count?
A diet dominated by processed foods and saturated fats can harm the quantity and quality of sperm. So, beware of processed meals and “Fast Food” diets, both of which have a negative impact on your fertility and overall health.
On the contrary, there are foods that can help increase sperm count. These foods should be incorporated into your diet but, more importantly, kept there! Knowing that it takes sperm 3 months to renew itself, you understand the importance of following this diet over time.
– Zinc: you can easily find it in oysters, beef, beans, and chicken.
– Vitamin C: found in oranges, lemons, cabbage, peppers, or even peas. You can also take dietary supplements to help you.
– Folic acid: opt for asparagus, beets, broccoli, and lemon.
– L-arginine, L-carnitine, and L-lysine: dairy products, red meats, spinach, chicken, sesame seeds, eggs, or even tuna contain these amino acids.
– Garlic: the allicin it contains helps increase blood flow.